- We need to phase out the use of fossil fuels.
- We need to incentivize people to burn less fossil fuel and one way to do this is to increase the prices of fossil fuels.
- An easy way to do this is to impose a tax on fossil fuels.
- The specific proposal here is to impose a tax on the CO2 that will be produced when the fuel is burned, and to collect this tax at the source of the fuel: mine, well, or port of entry for imported oil and gas. The tax will start low and increase by a predetermined amount each year. All the revenue from this tax, except for a small administrative cost, will be returned directly and promptly to the public. The revenue will be divided equally among all legal residents and checks will be sent out in December and June. [Alaska does this for oil pipeline revenue and sends out a check each June.]
Toward a Sustainable Future for Haiti
The earthquake in Haiti has been many things – including both a wakeup call for Americans, and an opportunity to demonstrate our compassion – but it has above all been a human tragedy that has revealed the weaknesses and deficiencies that were there before. A 7.5 magnitude earthquake will no doubt cause some damage no matter where it occurs, but it does not always need to cause the extent of devastation that has occurred in Haiti, or to leave the population as unaided.
Some colleagues of ours at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise met last week to discuss what we could do to contribute to a longer-term recovery, that would try to address the social, environmental, and economic challenges facing this troubled nation. We talked about a great many things, including the fact that many of us feel powerless in the face of such catastrophes, especially those that afflict human beings in distant places. We are all “overcommitted” to many worthwhile and challenging tasks already, and taking on such a monumental task as helping to chart the way forward in Haiti clearly seems to require that we steal time and energy from other causes. But if we can make even a small difference, while honoring our other commitments, this seems a compelling goal. Continue reading “Toward a Sustainable Future for Haiti”