The Return of Despotism?

Back in 2016, I wrote a post obliquely comparing Trump to Hitler. At the time it reminded me of Marx’s famous quote that history repeats itself, first as tragedy (Hitler) and then as comedy (Trump). I could not imagine that Americans could actually elect this buffoon as our president, and I had grave concerns about our freedoms and about our responsibilities to the biosphere. Many of these were justified.

The good news is that we actually survived those years and that on January 6, 2021, the vastly outnumbered Capitol Police turned back the deadliest full-on insurrection since, well, the Civil War. The bad news is that the feckless and immoral Trumpian effort may not be over.

The latest news is that Trump intends to pardon the insurrectionists if he is returned to office, and they may even be let go sooner if the Republicans win the House and/or the Senate in the 2022 midterms. We should be clear as to what this means. It is the sort of thing that happened after President Lincoln was assassinated, and Andrew Johnson presided over an accelerated reconciliation called Reconstruction.

Continue reading “The Return of Despotism?”

A Sage’s Thoughts…

“Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years 
And whose strong citizens are yet in cradle
Pity the nation divided into fragments
Each fragment deeming itself savior of the nation!”


By Zaheer Jan

As the new year dawns and as we, the Democrats take control of the house, I, a person who has been running from country to country, in the hope of having found the ultimate haven, am hopeful that we all in general and Nancy Pelosi in particular will hark to the words of President Abraham Lincoln and, “strive on to. . . bind up the nation’s wounds”, because “A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” And, “With malice towards none and justice for all”, take courage; go into the ‘Lion’s den, the states President Trump claims as his base, and reach out to HIS base.

Citizens of these states have for long felt disenfranchised from the decision making processes that affect them financially. Invite them and include them in the democratic party’s vision.

Our country and its system of government, our constitution is too great to be allowed to fall victim to petty rivalries and cheap theatrics. For if we allow that to happen, and let us be sucked into the whirlpool of international jealousies, then the only option left will be a cataclysm for mankind, nay perhaps the planet itself.

Our country’s adversaries are lying in wait, are deadly serious, and are playing for keeps.

Zaheer Jan

Off Fossil Fuels by 2040: Proposed Democratic Resolution for Feb 1 Meeting

allen1Bernards Township Democratic Committee Resolution No. 2010-01

A RESOLUTION urging Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation to phase out the use of all fossil fuels by 2040, and urging the President of the United States to declare 2010 a year for national dialog on this program.

WHEREAS, the Bernards Township Democratic Committee is a duly organized local political committee under the laws of the State of New Jersey;

Continue reading “Off Fossil Fuels by 2040: Proposed Democratic Resolution for Feb 1 Meeting”

The Democrats Still Don’t Get It


LNaultHi folks:

I copied below a column from tomorrows NYT by Bob Herbert.  This is the story I was yelling about in Sonal’s campaign and you guys were wondering if I was nuts and were full of denial respecting the troubles brewing here and on everybody’s mind.  My specific charge was limousine liberals.

Reading the stuff you two are batting back and forth I wonder if you two are on the same planet as I live on.  The health care legislation is dead.  Cap and trade or any variations of carbon restrictions are dead.   President Nero fiddled while the economy was burning,  hostage as he is to environmental interests as hostile to progress as the republican cabal is to co-operation.  The cart was placed before the donkey.  You can accomplish nothing until the private economy gets back on its feet.  With a robust economy, with unemployment dropping all these other things could be considered rationally. Until then nothing will get done. Continue reading “The Democrats Still Don’t Get It”